
How to Prevent Drafts in House with Frost King


Wintry weather arrives. Snow falls. Winds howl. Drafts are big energy wasters that take more money to heat your home and leave you less comfortable in your easy chair. Sealing gaps and cracks is the best way to keep heat inside your home and keep cold out by the snowman. Let us show you how to prevent drafts in house. Not sure where to start? Frost King is here to help. First, let?s identify the biggest drafts. Shut off any forced air systems. Use a smoking incense stick. It should take you directly to drafts. Paul and Brian show you how to do your own home energy assessment, including the flashlight test. Watch this video before you begin. Spot problem areas that need may need extra attention?

As you walk through your house, take note of all the problem areas. Just before you seal things up, remove damaged caulking or crumbling weatherstripping. Clean and dry these surfaces. Now it?s time to seal your home. Experienced do-it-yourself homeowners suggest that you start at the bottom of your house. Work your way up. Don?t just seal the gaps and cracks that are obvious to you. Sometimes the smallest openings can be a problem. Seal around openings where plumbing and utility lines enter your home. Seal the chimney. Seal the foundation. Plus seal around door frames, windows, window air conditioners and even exhaust fans. Here?s Frost King?s seven point checklist to help you seal up your home against costly drafts?

  1. Foundational joints shift over time. These may require new insulation and caulking.

  2. Exterior doors require door sweeps, door thresholds and insulation around the frame. Watch how to install weatherstripping. Watch how to select the right weatherstripping for doors.

  3. Windows require weatherstripping, caulking or shrink window kits to seal off air leaks. Click here how to select the right weatherstripping for windows. Watch how to install weatherstripping. Read Stop Drafty Windows with Shrink Window Kits to learn the best way to apply shrink window kits. The video also shows you how to remove shrink window kits.

  4. Window air conditioners and central AC units require insulation. Use an air conditioner cover to prevent heat loss. While you?re at it, read how to winterize your central air conditioner.

  5. Outlets leak air. Install draft proofing gaskets. Use child safety plugs on unused outlets.

Frost King makes sealing your home an easy do-it-yourself project for anyone. Follow tips below to learn how to say ?No!? to indoor snow. Let?s use less energy and save more money this year. If you have questions about doors, windows, pipes or anything else as you protect your home against harmful drafts, please view our FAQs, call 1-800-299-5700 or send us a message.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog post is for educational and informational purposes only. Homeowners should always consider safety precautions before starting any home improvement project.  While we strive to offer accurate and helpful advice, Frost King does not assume responsibility for any actions taken based on the information provided or for any consequences resulting therefrom.